Mahathir Strikes Back! (3)

In case you have not read today’s news, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad once again bashed the current administration. Utusan Malaysia dubbed this latest criticism as the harshest criticism ever by the former PM. In a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre, Tun expressed his utter disappointment about the current administration. In the press conference, he even reminded the reporters that Pak Lah was not his first choice. When asked whether he regretted his decision by picking Pak Lah as his successor, this is what he said.

“I have made many blunders in my job. I have a habit of choosing the wrong person.”

GOSH! I wonder what Pak Lah is thinking right now. On another question, he was asked whether he felt that Pak Lah had stabbed him on the back, this is his answer.

“Minor bruises.”

WOW! Does anyone know what this means? This is like a retake of Mahathir-Tunku feud 22 years ago. This reminds me of a song sung by Whitney Houston and Deborah Cox titled ‘Same Script Different Casts.’ And in my last post, Tun gave his view about golf. Now, this is what he said about football.

“I have always said it is silly for 22 people to chase one ball.”

I guess by now we all know that Tun is not a sportsman. Haha. And in my personal opinion, Tun now hates Pak Lah more than anyone else in Malaysia. I wonder what his next move will be. Is he planning to oust Pak Lah from the government and party? Or is Pak Lah is planning to wipe him off from Malaysian political scene once and for all? I guess only time will tell. WOW, I now sound like a narrator in a thriller movie. Haha. Ciao.

Utusan Malaysia and Malaysiakini.


Irzan said…
Please please don't stop, love your analysis. Hehe. Complete with songs tuh.. :) mm... maybe you can write for some political column in Malaysia's mainstream media later on ;)
Adam Ahmad said…
Haha. Political column? that's a good one. Haha. I don't think I can actually be a columnist. Thanks.
Irzan said…
hm.. reading malaysia today raja petra's analysis makes your analysis jadi biasa sangat pulak dah. hehe... RPK rawks!

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