Government Policies.

Something is seriously wrong with the current Malaysian administration. Why is that so? The government just has too many policies. When the new Prime Minister took office in 2003, he introduced National Agricultural Policy which I think might work to promote agricultural industry in Malaysia. Then after the row between former Prime Minister and Minister of International Trade and Industry erupted due to flooding of imported cars in Malaysia, the Prime Minister announce that there would be a National Automotive Policy. Interesting about this policy is he never actually announced it anyway. At first, the Prime Minister said that the policy will be announced by July 2005 before postponing it to September 2005. A month after that, the government said that the policy will definitely be announced by November 2005 before again postponing it to the end of the year. And now in February 2006, Malaysians still have not heard anything from the government. Major automotive industry players like Toyota, BMW and Hyundai are already making several calls for the government to speed up the process of finalizing the National Automotive Policy. I bet it will take years for the Prime Minister to announce it. I even began to wonder if he actually has one.

And only yesterday, Minister of Education announces that there will be a National Book Policy to promote reading habits among Malaysians. Do we need a policy on that? What’s next? Policy on how media should behave due to the cartoons depicting the Prophet? Or policy on how to conserve the environment due to numerous illegal loggings all around the country?

OK, now I have to go to my first lecture – Ecology and Biogeography. Ciao ciao.


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