
The last post was titled as 'Hot of the Press'. Well, it should be 'Hot Off the Press', and I have changed that. Another thing about last post is, Jyllands-Posten published the cartoon in September and not 'Few days ago' like I wrote in the last post. So, those were the glaring mistakes. And I have seen the cartoon and I must say the cartoon is offensive in a way. And I welcome Jyllands-Posten apology for the cartoon. And I personally think that even if they didn't apologize, it still doesn't matter because they might not realize the cartoon can be so offensive. But, the provoking acts by other European newspaper are absolutely unacceptable because they know that it is going to be offensive and yet they still publish it anyway.
I do support Freedom of Speech, but with freedom comes responsibilities. I don't want to elaborate more on that because I think everyone knows that already. And I also don't support any violence acts by certain Muslim quarters because violence can never solve anything. So, please oh please stop giving death threats, bomb threats, burning flags or whatever constitute as violence.
What else? Nothing I guess. Ciao ciao.


kaicito said…
hmm, i guess you may have seen my post on that cartoon question.and maybe i was being a little too principled; now i see your point of view has some validity to it as well. i wish people would just calm down a little about all this.
Adam Ahmad said…
well, people definitely have to calm down about this. i mean seriously calm down. Sadly, things are a bit out of control now.

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