
Recent increase in fuel prices had saved the government RM4.4b (0.97b Euro, $1.19b) from subsidy. It is true that the government cannot afford to subsidise fuel anymore and Malaysians just have to accept the fact that the cheap oil era is over. I mean, Malaysia is one of the few countries who still subsidise oil prices while many other countries actually taxed it. While fuel price increase is inevitable, recent price hike in Malaysia is followed with ridiculous development.

Firstly, right after the government said that they had saved RM4.4b of subsidy Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) announced their turnover plan which will require the government to inject RM2b into the company. But the government later said that they will give MAS a loan instead of a grant. Thank you, that is assuring enough.

Secondly, the Sarawak state government said that they will request some money from the federal government to re-subsidise fuel prices in the state. What? That is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. Oh, in case you don’t already know, Sarawak is going to have its state election this year, that’s why.

After that, the government announced to set up a trust fund to improve public transport in Malaysia. This move was seen as the government effort to encourage the use of public transport by Malaysians. Again, thank you for finally realizing that the state of our public transport leaves much to be desired.

Then comes the Malacca state government with its proposal to build Light Rail Transit (LRT) in Malacca. The reason for this is to ease congestion on Malacca. Is road congestion in Malacca that BAD? I don’t know, perhaps Imree can tell me.

I have nothing against increase in fuel prices. I know that sooner or later we have to pay a high price for fuel anyway, so better start adapting to it rather than later right? It is just that the news that came with the price hike is really bothering. Ciao.


imree said…
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imree said…
x reti nk jawab. tyr ali rustam
Adam Ahmad said…
you think you can delete your comment as you wish? I can always republish your comment. *evil grin*


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