Spark Turns Fire.

The cartoon row is almost over. People from both sides are actually working together to solve the problem. It looks like the sea is calmer now than it was few months ago. Then suddenly Pat Robertson came out with this statement on his live television programme, The 700 Club.

“Islam is not a religion of peace. The goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not, is world domination.”

Mr. Robertson was talking about the cartoon row and how the Muslims react to the issue. What was his motive anyway? Was the cartoon issue not offensive enough that he has to come up with another offensive statement? I seriously hope that he has a very good explanation about this and of course, an apology too.

For those who don’t know who Pat Robertson is, he was the man who suggested that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should be killed and the coma state of Israeli President Ariel Sharon was a punishment from God.

Although he did say that he was referring specifically to the radicals, I don’t think when he said ‘Islam is not a religion of peace’ were also directed to them. Sorry Mr. Robertson, I just don’t buy your words. Ciao.



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