
Can anyone give me the connection between Student Union and Chinese Society? I’m pretty sure no one can, unless you were with me today here in Wye College. Today is the Student Union Election Day. A day where almost everyone turned up to vote for their favourite candidates. How was the election? Well, this is where I will tell you the connection between the Student Union and Chinese Society.

If you were here with me during the hustings, you would recognize the common theme of the manifestos of the candidates. Almost all candidates promised one thing, “to ensure that the Chinese Society will get the appropriate funding.” Why do they stress on the Chinese Society? Well, the vice president of the Chinese Society has a very good answer for that, “Chinese community is the biggest community here.” Hence, you will only win if you have the support of the Chinese. In fact, some candidates actually stamped on their poster with sayings like, “this candidate is supported by the Chinese Society.” Honestly, I don’t know whether that is the norm of an election in a university. If it is, pardon me for writing this entry.

But then again, maybe it is normal for a university election because I was told to vote for Muslims candidate only. While I understood the need to have your own race to be represented in the Student Union, I also believe that everyone has the freedom to choose whoever they want to because that is what democracy is all about, am I right? Oh my God, I must’ve sound so naïve by now. At the end of the day, I voted for the right candidates and I am sure that the Chinese Society and the Muslims are happy with my votes.

Speaking of election, I had just put my name forward for two posts in two societies. Let see whether I can survive or not. *wink*

Enough is enough, I’d better open up my notes since my exam officially starts tomorrow. Ciao.

P.S. If this entry in any way offends anyone, I must say that I have no intention to do so because I am not racist and I don’t condone racism. Please accept my apology in advance.


Anonymous said…
"Speaking of election, I had just put my name forward for two posts in two societies. Let see whether I can survive or not. *wink*"

Well do inform us your blogreader if you won or not, ok?

Jangan buat diam je. Lol.

Btw thanks for your comment about Nakba. It is very much appreciated.
E M K A S said…
never give up for political posts, that's asterix for you!

lol, kinda reminded me of the SC political hiatus... the good ol' days.
Adam Ahmad said…
Of course I will :)

SC? Don't remind me please :P
Anonymous said…
btw did u noticed the increasing amount of complaints towards the malaysian gov in many of malaysian chinese blogs?

it's getting scary - everybody is blogging about politics. suanie, patrick teoh, (i dun want to even mention jeffooi etc)

is this a sign that malaysian politics is getting worse?
Adam Ahmad said…
I've noticed that for quite some time already. To be honest, I am more scared of that than other problems really. And complaints also came from non-political blog like Paultan.org.

And I think you can also see that everywhere people are talking about how weak is the current administration. Some say UMNO is at its weakest level since its establishment 60 years ago. The most interesting thing about this comment is, it is made at the time where there is no visible internal and external threat toward UMNO. This means, UMNO is weaker now compared to when it had to face the Semangat 46 and Anwar Ibrahim crises.

Is this the sign of Malaysian politics getting worse? I must say yes, it is.
Anonymous said…
what is your opinion on "melayu bangsa maju" by 2020?

how exactly do u define bangsa maju?

sometimes just to read these political article is mind boggling - makes u think extra of the said definition.

i wanna read what u have to say on this. :D

a sign of malaysian politics is getting worse?

it's easy to see - when our former premier is currently critisizing the current leadership.

i mean what is the meaning of all these? *the malaysia-sg bridge in particular*
faisal said…
"what is your opinion on "melayu bangsa maju" by 2020?"

Not gonna happen. we have too many junks in the Malaysian parliament. kick them out from the parliament first, then replaced those people with some educated, impartial, reasonable minded, non racist MPs, only then we can talk of Melayu bangsa maju..

Dislaimer: Faisal is high on caffeine, so he might say something which he might not intend to say.

faisal said…
typo: -->> nampak sangat tgh ngantuk ni.

dislaimer = disclaimer
faisal said…
"Kegagalan bukan suatu pilihan, ia adalah inisiatif (Wawasan 2020) yang perlu dicapai kerana Wawasan 2020 itu merupakan satu lagi hadiah kepada bangsa bahawa kita (orang Melayu) sudah maju."

"Abdullah berkata namun ia merupakan sesuatu yang amat malang jika berlaku keadaan sebaliknya, di mana orang Melayu gagal mencapai status bangsa yang maju pada tempoh itu."

quoting from pak lah's speech

he should repeat the same speech, but this time, read it out loud to himself in front of a mirror.


shit.i'd better stop now. adam, if u think that i am being too critical, just delete this comment k.

btw, i do not think malaysian political scenario is getting any worse. to look on the bright side of it, the opposition is now gaining more grounds and more public trust as the government now seems to be so incompetent in governing the nation.

just let us wait and see. the upcoming sarawak state election would pretty much be the benchmark on pak lah's popularity.
Adam Ahmad said…
It is always easy to say "mari menjadi bangsa maju." But, what exactly is 'bangsa maju'? I think we have to read his full speech to see whether he actually defined 'bangsa maju' or not.

Actually, I want to write something on the current political situation, but I'm waiting for the right time with exam and all. Hihi.

Faisal, if you think BN is going to lose in Sarawak, I think you are out of your mind. Haha. Well, we'll see what will happen this Saturday. I mean, anything can happen in politics right?
faisal said…
dont get me wrong
i never said such thing of opposition winning the upcoming state election
but i am pretty sure that the opposition would be able to gain more seats as they were during the last sarawak state election [ where they only won 2 seats, one dap and one from independent]

as what lim kit siang said larrr.. we need stronger oppositions..
Adam Ahmad said…
Yeah, they can gain more seats. That should be a piece of cake for them.

Btw, all Malaysian PM will win big in their first election. You can check that one up.

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