I've been tagged.

Hmm…so, I was tagged by Dayah. And I am now supposed to answer her question and tag other people. And I am going to do just that. Ha-ha.

What do I do when I’m happy?

  1. Smile.
  2. Call someone just to say, "Hi!"
  3. Buy an ice cream.
  4. Buy the best doughnut in the world in Sentul.
  5. Buy Mcdonald's apple pie. YUM!

And now I am going to tag other people. Eezah, Imree, Faisal, Irzan and Yazid.

There, I’ve tag other people. Actually, this does seem weird to me since I haven’t done this before. But hey, we’ll learn something new everyday.

I still have another six days before I can sleep in the comfort of my own bed in Gombak. I just cannot wait to go home, even though it has only been 2 months since I left, I still feel a little bit homesick. Ha-ha. Ciao.


Irzan said…
Eish.. 2 bulan lepas baru balik? Ko ni mmg laa homesick.. bajet duk koleq ke nak balik 2 bulan sekali huhuhu..

btw tak tag aku pon.. :p
Adam Ahmad said…
2 months is a long time :P
Hafizah said…
tuh namanya anak manja.....aku 9 mths x balik....
sokong ngan mirul... oit... keste... apa barang homesick... wahahaha

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