An assassination attempt?

I once asked a friend of mine whether is it possible for Malaysia to go as far as to assassinate someone because of their political influence. My friend told me that Malaysia is not the US, hence, an assassination is unthinkable. However, today, we saw Tun Dr. Mahathir was attacked with pepper spray (some media said teargas) in Kota Bharu.

I’m not pointing fingers on anybody but just wondering how far some people will go just because they hate someone. And to think that the person who did this is actually Malay made it even more disturbing. Maybe it is really the time for us to understand the ‘Budi Bahasa’ campaign.


“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King.


this far... sambil mendepakan tgn...
Irzan said…
It is highly unlikely that anyone can get killed in politics, provided that you still have the money to pay your opponents through bribery, that is.

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