
Emirin told me to put up the details about my Phuket trip here so here it goes.

Date: 2-6 August 2006 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Accommodation: Club Andaman Beach Resort, Patong Beach (4-star)
Price per person: RM500 (Inclusive of return airfares, hotel accommodation and breakfast)

If anyone is interested, just tell me OK!

“Vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer.” – Anonymous.


500 without flight ticket... erm... x nak kot... x nak jalan kat asia... nak gi europe...
Adam Ahmad said…
I think you misread 'inclusive' as 'exclusive'.

The RM500 price tag includes return airfares, hotel accommodation and breakfast.
owh... mistake then... ala 500... bley gak jnjalan bosan cuti nie... tapi... ntah... pk balikle... kalo pegi matila kena marah ngan diorg gi phuket x ajak...
Anonymous said…
sounds interesting
adam, ko mmg rajen blogging ek? even during holidays hehe. my blog tgh cuti skrg ni.

anyway chep
r u in malaysia now?
gimme ur num. plz
mine is 0173595089
Adam Ahmad said…
Huh. I will keep blogging, holidays or no holidays :)

If you any of you want to join the Phuket Trip, do inform me as soon as possible. Thanks.

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