Lets talk about...something else.

I was told to stop writing about Malaysian politics, so I will. From now on, lets talk about the weather.

“Liberty is the possibility of doubting, of making a mistake…of searching and experimenting...of saying No to any authority - literary, artistic, philosophical, religious, social, and even political.” - Ignazio Silone.

The Quote Garden


E M K A S said…
who told you so, special branch? :D

Poor you. Oh well, nice template BTW. Welcome to the 'whiteblog' group.
Adam Ahmad said…
this person is more powerful than the special branch. sigh.

'whiteblog' haha.
faisal said…
how did u make the layout for ur blog?
really nice

can i have ur malaysian number plzz

bila duit pnb mau masuk?
any idea?
i m running low in cash skrg ni
Adam Ahmad said…
You can find all nice templates at blogger template or blogskins. Just google blog template and you'll have tons of results.

and I am not Abg Khairul's PA ok. anyway, he just came back from a two-week holiday in Pakistan.

I've messaged your phone so you should have my number by now :)

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