Off to Penang!

I am going to Penang tomorrow with my family for one last vacation before I head back to the UK. Instead of feeling happy, I feel a bit sad because this vacation seems like a farewell vacation to me. I know that this is not really a goodbye forever because I will be seeing them again in June next year. Still, it is sad when it comes to leaving your family behind for a very long time.

But then again, nine months are not that long if you think about it. I mean, the last nine months went so quickly that I didn’t even realize it was already time for me to go home. Or is it because I came back to Malaysia during the last Spring break made me feel that the last nine months were very short. Either way, I will keep telling myself that nine months aren’t that long. Ha-ha.

So, I will go to Penang tomorrow and try to forget the fact that I’m leaving by the end of next week. Sigh

On a happier note, this is my chocolate cake. I’m ready to 'buka kedai'! Ha-ha.

"It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen. Quoted from


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