Bad Bee. Bad Bee.
Everyone seems to be talking about exams nowadays. Well, you can’t blame them since exam is just around the corner. Currently I am revising for Principles of Marketing and Management with a bee hovering in front of me (well, actually, I am typing this entry). Not a very conducive environment indeed, I must say. For some strange reasons I seem to attract five bees into my room this week alone. It is amazing to see how these bees can take just 2 seconds to come into my room and the whole day to get out. Why is it so difficult for them to find the window to fly out of my room remains a mystery to me. Here I am staring at the bee and keep telling it to go to the right, where the window is. Sometimes, I even wonder whether it is the same bee everyday or not. Speaking of which, (not totally related but bees do remind me of airplanes) AirAsia is going to sign a new sponsorship $5.6million deal with Manchester United (as in the football club). To be honest, I don’t really see the connection be...