Between Malaysia and Facebook.

A first year saw me when I was on my way to Accounting lecture when he stopped me and asked, “What is your name?” I told him my name and then I asked him why did he ask, and he said, “I forgot your name.”

Well, there is nothing weird about that except, I had never spoken to him since like forever. So, how could he possibly forget my name?

Anyway, to those who have Facebook, please join this group ‘Malaysia is NOT in Singapore you retards’. Seriously, join this group and read all kinds of experiences Malaysians had with foreigners. They are freaking funny! And maybe you can add one of your own experiences.

If you join the group, you’ll get to read things like,

“When I was in Tennessee, somebody ask me where I from. I tell them I am from Malaysia, then he say is Malaysia in the Egypt. I slammed my head and say "Yeah 5000 years ago we build the pyramid, the tallest structure in the world and 5000 years later we build Petronas twin tower which is the tallest twin tower in the modern world". He said, "Yes I heard that before, the Petronas Twin Tower is in Dubai". I drop dead on the ground. XD”

“I remember when my teacher went to England, the housekeeper asked her if she knew how to make use of a fridge. So she looked at her and said, "In my country, I have one that can fit you in”

“Me: Owh I'm from Malaysia
Mat salleh: where in Asia?
Me: MA-LAY-SIA...... *sweats
MS: wut... Malaysia? oh so you're a Malay?
Me: no i'm a chinese.. chinese Malaysian
MS: how can tat happen? ure malaysian and ure chinese?
Me: no I AM a chinese.. malaysian is our nationality.MS: oh okay.... wait a minute, did u learn english here? coz u speak english really well. (*does the shocking face!)
Me:dude i've been speakin english all my life.”

“I've been asked (amongst other things) "does it snow in Malaysia?", "so what do you do for fun? have shopping malls there?!?!!?!?" and "so how do you get around? Do you guys still ride on bulls?”

“I was asked once, "do you live on the trees?" Yes, they have internet connection drilled through the trees there too.”

“i've been thru the 'we live on trees' stereotype. so i simply tell them we go down by the escalator”

On another thing, while I was having my lunch today, a Chinese girl found out that I am not Chinese. I told her that I am not Chinese when she asked me about Bak Kut Teh in Malaysia. Apparently, according to her, Bak Kut Teh in Malaysia is the best that she had ever eaten. Bak Kut Teh is a pork soup, in case you don’t already know.

“Recent survey stated that the average person's greatest fear is having to give a speech in public. Somehow, this ranked even higher than death, which was third on the list. So, you're telling me that at a funeral, most people would rather be the guy in the coffin than have to stand up and give a eulogy.” – Jerry Seinfeld.


me i'm no retard... haha... quite some things there which are obviously not lies at all... truth behind the truth... face it and live with it... more often it happened here in europe... most likely in a country consistin' of far more ignorance people like me myself such as ukraine... huhu...

my experience - it happened durin' my short period in istanbul... durin' transit there... i was in a restaurant wit 2 of my friends... we had our lunch and the person who works there ask us where we from... and we said malaysia... bein' me like you know... the type not friendly to unrecognize or even unknown people... just sit there in slient and let my frens did the talkin'... huhu... laughed a bit hearin' how my frens tried to allocate malaysia to that old pakcik - i think mid-age... and as the title said... singapore... s)(^... does malaysia signficant to singapore...

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