Everyone seems to be talking about exams nowadays. Well, you can’t blame them since exam is just around the corner. Currently I am revising for Principles of Marketing and Management with a bee hovering in front of me (well, actually, I am typing this entry). Not a very conducive environment indeed, I must say. For some strange reasons I seem to attract five bees into my room this week alone. It is amazing to see how these bees can take just 2 seconds to come into my room and the whole day to get out. Why is it so difficult for them to find the window to fly out of my room remains a mystery to me. Here I am staring at the bee and keep telling it to go to the right, where the window is. Sometimes, I even wonder whether it is the same bee everyday or not. Speaking of which, (not totally related but bees do remind me of airplanes) AirAsia is going to sign a new sponsorship $5.6million deal with Manchester United (as in the football club). To be honest, I don’t really see the connection be...
I read a blog of my friend today and I have to say this, "I hate you!" There, I've said it. I can't believe that he would actually wrote something like that. I mean, I've heard him saying it, but to write it in his blog is totally unacceptable - at least to me. Though part of what he wrote is true, he still has no rights whatsoever to write those things. "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions, Watch your actions, for they become habits, Watch your habits, for they become character, Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny." - Anonymous. Quoted from ethinkexist.com .
Malaysian Members of the Parliament (MP) are a disgrace to the country! That is all I have to say after watching how those MPs behaving like a bunch of idiots. It is a wasted effort by Malaysians having to queue up to elect them during General Election only to see them acting like MONKEYS in the Parliament. I know it is normal for MPs to shout at each other over certain issues, but it is OK if they are shouting at each other fighting for the cause of people who voted for them. Malaysians voted for you because they want you to represent their voice in the Parliament. In the end, will the shouting benefits the people? NO, because the real issue that was debated at first was dropped at the end of the shouting as if it was a meaningless issue. It is not a surprise to see why it took the Parliament a very long time to pass a bill only to realize later that the bill has lots of overlooked loopholes. Then, the people will protest the new bill and they will have to bring it back to the Parliam...