Happy Chinese New Year!

I was surfing through the internet yesterday and found this one interesting comment about Hillary Clinton running for presidency in 2008. This particular person said that it would be awkward when Madam President Clinton visits Asia, Africa or Middle East because in women are regarded as property in those regions.

And I really want to ask this person, if women are regarded as property in those places, why the hell that we see countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, having women as their President? There are also other countries like Pakistan and Sri Lanka that had women as their Prime Minister.

Having said that, a friend asked me about the chances of Clinton becoming the first woman President and I said, not a chance. And then my friend asked me whether Clinton is not qualified to become a President. To that question, I said, “Since when a politician is elected because of they are qualified? This is just another popularity contest. It is either you are popular or you are not.” And he reluctantly agreed. Hillary Clinton is popular, but is she popular enough? In my personal opinion, Barrack Obama is more popular than Clinton, but that’s not my decision, that’s the Americans’ decision.

On another note, I would like to wish a very Happy Chinese New Year to all my Chinese friends. Have a happy and prosperous new year!

“I must study politics and war that my sons my have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.” – John Adams


Dr Mama said…
Salam. I came across your page by accident. I really like it. A lot of very bright and outstanding ideas/opinions. Keep up the good work. I wish you all the best in your Business degree at Imperial.

Adam Ahmad said…
thank you very much Rina :D

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