Members of Parliament

I spent half hour today watching the debate on Trident nuclear plan in the House of Commons today. I found it interesting to see how any MPs can voice out their opinion about Trident regardless of what party they came from. In principle, Tony Blair’s government is insisting on the renewal of Trident nuclear plan and although they won the debate, they won because of the votes from the oppositions (Conservative and Liberal Democrats).

Why is that interesting? It is interesting because all MPs in the House of Commons actually have their own mind. It is interesting because the MPs actually say what their constituents want them to say, even if it means having to go against their own party. Even if it means having to lose their job in the cabinet, they will always stand by their beliefs and principles. And that’s what politicians who understand the people should do. They should put people’s interest before their personal interests.

As I watched the debate this evening, I began to wonder when MPs in Malaysia will be able to stand on their beliefs and principles. I wonder when will they be able to put rakyat’s interests before theirs. Sigh.

“In morals what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness; in religion what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Fear, either as a principle or a motive, is the beginning of all evil.” – Anna Jameson.


Anonymous said…
I wonder too....but can't we do anything?
Adam Ahmad said…
Well, there is nothing significant that we can do at the moment. All we can do is to just let our opinion be heard.

The final decision lies in the hands of the MPs. They have to choose either to listen to the 'rakyat' or listen to the party that they are in.

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