Cross Over.

Today marks the new beginning. Well, not a new beginning of anything, it’s just that after 10 years of using Internet Explorer, I decided that it is time to change. So, as of today, I no longer use Internet Explorer and switch to Mozilla Firefox instead. I know that other people have been using Firefox for like a million years, but, I think the time has come for me to ditch IE and walk into the new era of Firefox.

I have been thinking of changing to Firefox since the end of last year but I always pushed that thought to the back of my head. However, after having too much problem with IE in the last few weeks, I decided that maybe it is time to let IE go. And by letting IE go, does not mean I am not going to use IE ever, but I think I will use it from time to time whenever necessary.

So, goodbye IE, we have had our fair share of tears and laughter, it is time for me to experience different things in life. Ha-ha. Unless, Microsoft come up with something better to beat Firefox. Hello Firefox!


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