What a sad day for the commercial aviation community these days. Only last week, Aloha Airlines and Skybus in the US shut down, citing financial difficulties. And this morning, I got a call from my friend telling me that Oasis Hong Kong shuts down today. I went on Google and found out that all flights on Wednesday have been cancelled. About two hours ago, the officials from the company gave a press statement confirming the news. For you information, Oasis had been in operations since 17 months ago.
I Hate Him.
I read a blog of my friend today and I have to say this, "I hate you!" There, I've said it. I can't believe that he would actually wrote something like that. I mean, I've heard him saying it, but to write it in his blog is totally unacceptable - at least to me. Though part of what he wrote is true, he still has no rights whatsoever to write those things. "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions, Watch your actions, for they become habits, Watch your habits, for they become character, Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny." - Anonymous. Quoted from ethinkexist.com .