Goodbye Oasis...

What a sad day for the commercial aviation community these days. Only last week, Aloha Airlines and Skybus in the US shut down, citing financial difficulties. And this morning, I got a call from my friend telling me that Oasis Hong Kong shuts down today. I went on Google and found out that all flights on Wednesday have been cancelled. About two hours ago, the officials from the company gave a press statement confirming the news. For you information, Oasis had been in operations since 17 months ago.

Oasis Hong Kong is supposed to be the pioneer in the low-cost model for long-haul travelling and sadly the days of Oasis Hong Kong are now over. My heart goes to the employees of Oasis Hong Kong who are affected by this terrible news. Also, to the travellers who now would have to find other alternatives in a very short notice.

This brings my thoughts to Air Asia X who is now flying to Gold Coast, Australia and Hangzhou, China. While Oasis Hong Kong business model might not work, I really hope that the business model of Air Asia X will work. I hope that Air Asia X will prove to its critics that its low-cost model will work for long-haul operations.

I never got the chance to fly with Oasis but two of my friends who did, told me that for a low-cost airline, the onboard service was not low-cost. A sad day indeed. Sigh.


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