
"Stop writing."

In most exams, once you hear that phrase, you would be wishing for more time so that you could finish your last sentence. Yesterday, that phrase was like a ringing bell, reminding me of the fact that I am no longer a student. Sure, I might do Masters in the future, but for now, I am actually out of the formal education system. No more assignments to write, no more lectures to go. Just me.

So, as the popular question goes, "How was it?"

The exam was OK I guess. I want to say that I am happy with the effort that I've put in, but I know that if only I have more than three hours to do each paper, I'd be able to write better answers. But hey, I only had three hours, so, let us just say I'm happy with the effort that I had given during the allocated three hours. Hmm...actually happy would be too strong, the actual word that I'd choose instead is, content.

But then again, I cannot speculate on the sort of marks that I would get because, at the end of the day, it is not you who are going to decide what mark will I get. I just hope and pray to Allah that everything will go the way I hope it is going to be. Amen to that :)

The second most popular question is, "How's freedom?"

I wish I could say, FANTASTIC. But, as you might know, I am now being hit by a post-exam syndrome. Where, you actually have a lot of things to do in your mind, but you just don't know which one that you want to do first. And you'll end up sleeping for the whole day. Haha. But actually, I have not slept since yesterday. Well, I did sleep at three in the morning last night.

Last night, I had nice dinner with some of my close friends, whom I might not even see again until October for our graduation. One of my friends is going to Dubai to help with his family business. Another one will take a gap year and travel the world. Another friend of mine will continue with a law conversion course since he wants to become a lawyer. As I listened to their post-study plan, I realized that this is the time, where you get to end your life as an undergraduate and start to chart the way that you'll live your life. To be honest, I still cannot believe that this day has finally come. I don't know whether I am happy or anxious. I guess, time will tell :)

And tonight, I'll be having dinner with some of my friends from the second year. They're having their last paper today - now actually. I guess, I'll continue next time. Bye.


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