

I don’t understand why all these Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri are already nominating Prime Minister Abdullah and Deputy Prime Minister Najib as the President and Deputy President of UMNO. I mean, according to the party constitution, only UMNO division can nominate anyone for anything. Don’t they know the constitution of their own party? Or are those some kind of hint (read instruction) to the UMNO Divisions to do the same. I don’t care if UMNO already have a transition plan in place, because when it comes to democracy, nothing else matters (and I do not mean street demonstration). So, I guess the UMNO leaders should just let the division to make up their own mind on who to nominate.

And what about this so-called 2-year transition plan. How can Prime Minister Abdullah name Deputy Najib as his successor in two years’ time when UMNO election is coming in 5 months’ time? How can he be so sure that Deputy Najib will still be there after the December election? And Deputy Najib was ‘terharu’ for being selected by the Prime Minister, how can you be ‘terharu’ when he already said the same thing right after the 8th March General Election?

And don’t get me started with the super long transition period.

On Fuel Debate Last Night.

What a waste of money and time. What good can come out of it? The debate last night was just another way for the government to defend themselves why they increased fuel prices and another opportunity for Datuk Seri Anwar to be under the spotlight. I am surprised at the fact that he can still attend the debate when a warrant had already been issued to arrest him (I guess someone like him has to have some preferential treatment right?). Going back to the debate, that kind of debate should be done during campaign period before the election. Because after people listen to the debate, they can make up their mind on who they should vote. When it is done after the election like last night – that’s what we called bunkum.

On another note, I am glad that Datuk Seri Anwar actually said how is he going to reduce fuel prices – and not by using Petronas’ earnings.


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