Nasib Badan.

I is very unfortunate that we, Malaysians live in this country where its politicians only want to do what they do best, politicking. The latest circus in town is the resignation of Penanti Assemblyman, which effectively means another by-election will be held within the next 60 days. I don’t mind if we have a by-election when the incumbent rep dies or found guilty in courts but, I do mind if an incumbent just resign over personal matters or just allegations. I am happy for a rep with a government position to let go their post over personal matters or allegations over something but not – definitely not – for parliamentary or state assembly seat.

The reason being, you were elected – read elected – by your constituents. If you were charged in court and found guilty, by law you would automatically vacant your seats anyway. So, until proven guilty, why should you resign? And if your constituents do not like you anymore, they can always vote you off in the next election.

Here is what I am suggesting to Barisan Nasional – since BN were very vocal condemning this by-election – to not to boycott the by-election because that would deprive Penanti constituents of democracy. My suggestion is, choose the best candidate you have but do not spend money on campaign – basically don’t campaign at all. If the Penanti people still believe in Pakatan, they will choose the Pakatan candidate – after all, this by-election is to determine the next Deputy Chief Minister II. If the Penani people choose the BN candidate, this will remind all politicians to do their actual job – to govern the state and country especially in today’s condition.


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