Arrogant Politician.

I am disgusted by the arrogance shown by the Prime Minister in his speech yesterday. He was commenting on the call for a particular minister to resign for underperforming his duties. While I am indifference as to the minister’s performance, I felt shocked that the Prime Minister’s remarks that his decisions cannot be questioned. He went on to say that as the Prime Minister, he knows what is best for the country and therefore no one can ever doubt his decisions. He also went as far as saying that as the Prime Minister, it is his to right to decide whatever he deems fit for the people.

Mainstream media describe the Prime Minister’s statement as charismatic. I describe it as downright arrogant.

In short, the Prime Minister is describing himself as a prophet, who is sent by God for the betterment of mankind – or in this case, the Malaysians. Therefore, people are supposed to just sit quietly and listen to whatever he is saying and obey his decree to the letter.

To give the Prime Minister the benefit of the doubt, he might have meant something else, but the words that he had chosen pictured him just like what I had described earlier.

I hope he does realize that he is not elected as a Prime Minister by Malaysians. He was elected by a handful of warlords to lead a political party that happens to lead a coalition of parties. And none of that matters if he was not elected as a representative for his constituency.

And honestly, please stop thinking as if you know what’s best for the people because to tell you the truth, you don’t.


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