Angkara Cinta to have 115 Episodes

 Angkara Cinta television drama was initially planned for 70 episodes before the drama series was extended to 90 episodes. Yesterday, it was announced that the show will go on to 115 episodes. This means, the final episode of Angkara Cinta would be aired on 12 April 2021, just a day before the start of Ramadhan. I now wonder whether there will be an Aidil Fitri edition of Angkara Cinta a month after that last episode.

In any case, I still enjoy watching the drama series and fortunately for me, I have not found the storyline as draggy. I guess, if you have watched soap operas or telenovelas before this, it is harder for you to find the storyline as a bit too slow and too long. I do however feel that the story on Luqman's jealousy problem is a bit "been there, done that". I seriously hope that they will not dwell too much on that storyline.

My criticism now is the fact that they have not resolve the Mokhzan's storyline yet, which is disappointing. I supposed, the purpose of having the Remy as a double agent sub-plot would be a way to resolve Mokhzan's story. But this particular sub-plot is a bit too slow for me and I guess that's intentional. I also hate the fact that they brought back Ramlah in the storyline because I honestly do not see how this sub-plot adds to the storyline.

I was hoping that Indah will cause Adira to have a miscarriage considering the dodgy supplements that she has been supplying Adira. This is critical as Indah has to do something terrible for Luqman to realise that his real families are in fact Haqeem and Mariani. But now, I'm beginning to think that maybe Indah had something to do with Aiman's kidnapping. She was the one who asked Alyssa to pick-up her flowers and insisted for Alyssa to bring Aiman together with her. She probably was not planning for Aiman to be killed though.

Finally, lots of fans are hoping that Luqman and Haqeem to become best friends again and of course eventually the story will get there. Angkara Cinta is about the relationship between Luqman and Haqeem anyway, more so than anything else. But, mark my words, they will only get back together as best of friends only in episode 114. Their conflicts are what drive the drama and those conflicts would only be resolved at the very end. By then, Mariani will end up dead or in a mental institution. Remy would also die at the end to clear-up the path between Haqeem and Jijie. Luqman will of course be with Adira, despite what the creator of the drama would want you to believe now.


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